Why the AT&T deal can’t be good for T-Mobile consumers: Pay double to get half
April 11th, 2011 by jeremychone | Comments Off
I am not sure if Randall Stephenson, CEO of AT&T, was misinformed, dishonest, or just carried away with his new crusade when he tried to explain why T-Mobile’s acquisition by AT&T will be good for consumers, but he is obviously not a T-Mobile consumer who really knows what he is talking about. This acquisition cannot be good for the consumer, no matter what spin an executive or lobbyist can come up with. I truly hope that the FCC will not swallow all the lies and spin that these guys will tell them over the coming months. If you are a T-Mobile consumer, here are three things that will happen over time (and yes, the carry-over deal is just a gimmick, as I will explain later). |