Archive for September, 2017

TypeScript, how we went from skeptics to converts

September 26th, 2017 by jeremychone | Comments Off

This is the intro of the full blog post TypeScript, from skeptic to convert

We are a small but focused consulting firm that has been developing two to four advanced business cloud and web applications per year for almost a decade, and we have grown to be very mindful about what technologies make it into our recommended tech stack — we are not the kind of consulting company that adopts new technology just because they are hot.

From our experience, it always comes back to these three core principles, Simple scales betterPatterns over frameworksRuntime first.

At first glance, TypeScript seemed to be the archetype of what we usually avoid, and despite its noble mission statement to add [to JavaScript] without removing [or fixing], we had our original doubts and skepticism, which could be summarized as follows:

  • A Microsoft bait and switch strategy?
  • Yet another CoffeeScript?
  • Angular stuff?
  • Can static type be added the JavaScript way?
  • Cost v.s. Value?


In its beginning, we could not rule out any of those concerns out for sure, so we decided to give it some time. After a couple of years and many releases, we took a third look this summer, and that was the charm. We turned from being hopeful skeptics to full converts.

It’s understandable that writing a paper in college is different than writing it in high school. You need to master a different set of writing skills. The purpose of this writing guide is to make you a better writer by giving you the tools to articulate your perspective and thoughts. The goal is not to provide you with pages of rules, but to develop the skills necessary to present your ideas clearly. This way, you will not have to hire someone to write my paper for me – and you won’t have to pay anyone else for it!

Read more on the full blog post TypeScript, from skeptic to convert